Marketing Resources for Small Businesses in Atlanta, Georgia

Are you a small business owner in Atlanta looking for ways to boost your marketing efforts? There are hundreds of organizations that provide crucial information, education, and funding to entrepreneurs.

Marketing Resources for Small Businesses in Atlanta, Georgia

Are you a small business owner in Atlanta, Georgia, looking for ways to boost your marketing efforts? There are hundreds of organizations that provide crucial information, education, and funding to entrepreneurs. From comprehensive business resources to specialized mentoring and training programs, there are plenty of options available to help you create and maintain a successful business. The City of Atlanta has a detailed “How to Start Your Business” guide with a list of all the resources you'll need to start a business in Atlanta. This includes the best places to get funding, licenses and permits and more.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) also has a Georgia District Office that manages the SBA Atlanta branch to promote economic development in the area. The Atlanta Business League (ABL) is dedicated to helping African-American-owned small businesses in the Atlanta metropolitan area. They offer business meetings and seminars for local networking opportunities. SCORE Atlanta has more than 100 business mentors in the greater Atlanta area who are ready to help with free tutoring, low-cost or no-cost local workshops, and a list of free resources.

The Atlanta Business Alliance creates networking and mentoring opportunities for Atlanta business owners. The Urban League of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area has an entrepreneurship center that focuses on increasing people's economic self-sufficiency through training classes, one-on-one consulting, and additional resources. Invest Atlanta hosts seminars and provides informational resources to help you learn more about the commercial loan process. All local chambers of commerce seek to promote the economic development of their communities through membership benefits, networking events, marketing resources, workshops and more.

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers free one-on-one consulting services and low-cost business training. The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GdeCD) offers a community program that helps create a business environment incorporating business and small business strategies into the community's overall economic development strategies. ACE — Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs provides small businesses in Georgia with small business loans as well as business advice to help ensure success. SBA Loans Atlanta is backed by Signature Bank and has partnered with the U.

S. Small Business Administration and the Georgia District Office to help Atlanta businesses get the capital they need to start successful businesses. If you want to stand out in a crowded business field as a small business owner and be seen as the most valued person to do business with above the competition, then you want to be recognized as the leader in your niche. The authors' experience as marketing consultants for Duct Tape and members of BNI makes them the only ones capable of explaining marketing for small businesses in an easy-to-understand way, even for someone without marketing experience. This is a great resource for any local business that's trying to figure out how it can generate leads and, ultimately, revenue for their business. Leadership is difficult, but without real leadership, there are no sales, effective marketing campaigns, or business development that will make a difference. The Innovation Center is the strategic arm of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, offering a variety of services for businesses of all sizes.

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Nora Froman
Nora Froman

Hardcore web geek. Hipster-friendly social media maven. Avid tv fanatic. Award-winning internet practitioner. Friendly coffee guru. Evil music geek.

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